Inventaire OBR-BMAG-BBN

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Fonds Olivier Brard, bandes magnétiques bobines.

Liste des bandes magnétiques (indexation en cours)

obr-bmag-bbn-1-1171/2 9.5cm, Revox.18eme Jazz Band BallFanfare Octave CallotFanfare accueil, Essais sur marche des accordéonistes Lyonnais, Binkes Waltz, Colonel Bogey, Sperenza Perdita, Opium poison de rêves, I want to be in Dixie
obr-bmag-bbn-1-1181/2 18cm, Revox.18eme Jazz Band BallOrchestre Jacques Doudelle
obr-bmag-bbn-1-13526.5cm, Revox, 18 cm Copie RF 19cm/s.15eme Jazz Band BallFanfare Octave Callot, Orpheon Celesta, New Orleans Wanderers, New Histeric Jazz Band
obr-bmag-bbn-1-13626.5cm, Revox, 18 cm Copie RF 19cm/s.15eme Jazz Band BallNew Histeric Jazz Band, Les Chicots à Bois Sec, High Society Jazz Band
obr-bmag-bbn-1-13726.5cm, Revox, 18 cm Copie RF 19cm/s.15eme Jazz Band BallHigh Society Jazz Band, Royal Tencopators Orchestra, Gilbert Leroux Washboard Group, Les Haricots Rouges
obr-bmag-bbn-1-13826.5cm, Revox.15eme Jazz Band BallIrakli Jazz Band
obr-bmag-bbn-1-15426.5cm, Revox.19eme Jazz Band BallCyril Jazz Gang, Red Onion Jazz Band & OttilieFin Chicago jazz gang, Ho Ho I miss you tonight (basse fausse), Ice cream, début Red Onions, Jogo rythm, Lucky3-6-9, Goober Dance, Mad doc (un peu coupé).
obr-bmag-bbn-1-15526.5cm, Revox.20eme Jazz Band BallLaurent Bajata Trio, Royal Tencopators OchestraBAJATA Trio: Minor swing, Entrée nord, Daphné, Nuages, Shine. Royal Tencopators: I got rythm, East St-louis, Sensation Rag, la Continentale, Saint Louis Blues, Sin You Sinners
obr-bmag-bbn-1-16226.5cm, Revox.20eme Jazz Band BallBanana Jazz Band de Toulouse, Claude Tissendier, Dry Throat FiveTissendier: Jumpin' witht he Pump, Peanut Vendor, Effervescent Blues, Old Fashioned Love, Concerto for Cozy
obr-bmag-bbn-1-16826.5cm, Revox.16eme Jazz Band BallHigh Society Jazz Band, Claude LuterHSJB: Riverside (Pierre Merlin (cnt), Doctor Jazz, Bubbles, Alexander's Ragtime Band. Claude Luter: Royal Garden Blues, Ain't Misbehavin', Bigoudi (Jean Louis Leroy (tp), Wild Man Blues, Pain d'Epices, Yannick Singery (coupé).