Inventaire Revue: Jerry's Rhythm Rag

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104Jerry's Rhythm RagActualité du Jazz.Suède.Anglais.15cm X 21cmTrimestriel.1993 - 1994, 5 numéros parus.

Inventaire CEMJazz

Collection de la revue 'Jerry's Rhythm Rag', reconstituée à partir des inventaires partiels du fonds Pfau. Cet inventaire comprend les 5 exemplaires parus de la revue. -- Lot--1 (5 items): No 1 à 5 1993-1994.

Numéros indexés ou inventoriés

cmj-rv-104-1-1Jerry's Rhythm Rag1Hiver 1993–En couverture: Benny Goodman and Frances Langford. –Artistes/personnalités: Joe Oliver is still King. Glenn Miller. The KYXZ Novelty Band. –Lieux/événements: . Day by day in New York. Chicago visit 1947. American News. –Photographies: An early Fletcher Anderson re-union.
cmj-rv-104-1-2Jerry's Rhythm Rag2Printemps 1993–En couverture: Jimmie Luncerford. –Artistes/personnalités: Introducing Duke Ellington. Benny Goodman. Jack Barbirolli and his Philarmonic Cats. Pee Wee Russel. Teddy Hill's orchestra. Charlie Parker. –Lieux/événements: Carnegie Hall. –Photographies: Jess Stacy. –Autres: The Unissued Armstrong.
cmj-rv-104-1-3Jerry's Rhythm Rag3Eté 1993 –En couverture: Duke Ellington. –Artistes/personnalités: Jazzman Duke Ellington. James Dugald McPartland. Artie Shaw. Erskine Hawkins. –Lieux/événements: The Duke at Newport. Randall Island Carnival. –Photographies: 'Basie Boys' at Randall's Island (1938), W.C. Handy and Duke Ellington, Gene Krupa and his Orchestra at Randall's Island (1938). –Autres: Saturday Night Swing Club. CBS Swing Club. Basie, Benny, Glenn Miller record again for Army. Swing was never King.
cmj-rv-104-1-4Jerry's Rhythm Rag4Automne 1993–En couverture: Raymond Scott. –Artistes/personnalités: Duke Ellington. Jack teagarden. Coleman Hawkins. Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey. Louis ARmstrong. –Lieux/événements: New York impressions. Saturday Night Swing Club. Carnegie Hall. –Photographies: Artie Shaw and Lana Turner, Saturday Night Swing Club -New York 1936, 'Pops' Whiteman and his Super Orchestra, Don Redman. –Autres: Jazz returns to Europe. Swing fever in Germany.
cmj-rv-104-1-5Jerry's Rhythm Rag51994–En couverture: Ina Ray Hutton. –Artistes/personnalités: W.C. Handy. Paul Whiteman. Jelly Roll, Bix & Hoagy. Jimmy Dorsey. Andy Kirk and his Clouds of Joy Orchestra. –Lieux/événements: Esquire's Metropolitan Concert. Vive le Hot! (Paris). –Photographies: Jelly Roll Morton. Metropolitan Opera House Jam Session. Mary Lou Williams. Adrian Rollini and Hank Ross. –Autres: The legend of Saint Louis Blues. The 'Spotlight Band' Story. Saturday night swing club. American Radio Methods.