Sapphire Records

Cultural Data

OPEN LICENCE 2.0/LICENCE OUVERTE 2.0 The inventories of the CEMJazz collections are cultural data that we are gradually seeking to make freely available as part of an “Open Data” initiative at CEMJazz.

This data is made available under the terms of the Etalab 2.0 open licence.

More precisely, we export “Views” of the CEMJazz database, encoded in UFT8 and saved in csv (basic) or json (more advanced) formats.


As an experiment, we offer the results of indexing three complete collections (as of December 2023) of CEMJazz records.

Edison Diamant records (including some “non-jazz”):

Sapphire records (including some “non-jazz”):

45rmp EPs (Jazz in 45rpm!!):

Do not hesitate to contact us as part of this initiative:, with the subject “Open Data CEMJazz”.

Edison Records