Inventaire Revue: 78 Quarterly

Cote CEMJazz: cat-rv-111

Cote CEMJazz: cat-rv-111

Cote CEMJazz: cat-rv-111
Infos Revue
CEMJazzId | Titre | Genre | Pays/Editeur | ISSN | Langue | Format | Périodicité | Période d'édition | Commentaires |
111 | 78 Quarterly | Blues, jazz, 78rpm, artistes, illustrations et photographies. | USA. | 0582-8864 | Anglais (US) | Magazine | irrégulier, 12 numéros parus. | 1967-2005 |
Inventaire CEMJazz
Collection de la revue '78 Quaterly (12 numéros parus), reconstituée à partir des inventaires partiels du fonds P. Lafargue. ---Lot 1: numéros 3 à 12. |
Numéros indexés ou inventoriés
CEMJazzId | Titre_revue | Numéro | Date | Infos_revue | Tags_revue | Contenu |
cmj-rv-111-1-3 | 78 Quarterly | 3 | 1988 | Vol 1 No 3, 76 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Violoniste. –Artistes/personnalités: Trev Benwell, Man and Legend. Polk Miller and the Old South Quartette. 'Big Foot' William Harris. –Autres: from 'Women in Red' 1903-1907. from 'Smart Street' making It in the 30's. The anatomy of a 'Race' label (Paramount) Part I. Collecting Ethnic. Gennett Champion Blues (label). 78 presents the rarest 78s (A-B). | |
cmj-rv-111-1-4 | 78 Quarterly | 4 | 1989 | Vol 1 No 4, 96 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Robert Johnson (Illustration de R. Crumb). –Artistes/personnalités: Fred Ramsey speaks out! (historian, writer, photographer). Robert Johnson. The idioms of Robert Johnson. Remembering 'Big Joe' ('Big Joe' Clauberg). –Photographies: Photophile (portraits de musiciens). –Autres: PhotoPhile (portraits de musiciens). The anatomy of a 'Race' label (Paramount) Part II. Back in Nagasaki with Lucly (label). Paramount in the Belfry. Gennett Champion Blues (label). 78 presents the rarest 78s (C-D). | |
cmj-rv-111-1-5 | 78 Quarterly | 5 | 1990 | Vol 1 No 5, 96 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Joueurs de blues (1902). –Artistes/personnalités: The life and music of William Howard Armstrong (cf film 'Louie Bluie'). Portrait of a Blues Singer (Skip James). –Photographies: Artistes Paramount: Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Blake, Charlie Jackson, 'Ma' Rainey, Ida Cox. –Autres: The buying and selling of Paramount (part 3). 78 presents the rarest 78s (F-G). 100 years from today (selected items of musical matters drawn from the black community). When the wolf knocked on Victor's door (label). Gennett Champion Blues (label). Six who made recorded history. | |
cmj-rv-111-1-6 | 78 Quarterly | 6 | 1991 | Vol 1 No 6, 96 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Schlitz Jug Band (Memphis, 1928). –Artistes/personnalités: 'Louie Bluie' The life and Music of William Howard Armstrong (part 2). Booker White on Bullet Williams. –Photographies: Orpheus Myron McAdoo (/1899), Maggie Porter Cole (1890) –Autres: Paramount (part 4), the advent of Arthur Laibly. 78 presents the rarest 78s (H-Ja). 100 years from today (A survey of afro-american music in 1890 as recorded in yhe black community press). 50 years from today, The new hope Jug Band, July 1941. The myth of Rock and Roll. Gennett Champion Blues (label). BD 'The adventures of Joe Holmes a.k.a. King Solomon Hill' (A. Mostrom). | |
cmj-rv-111-1-7 | 78 Quarterly | 7 | 1992 | Vol 1 No 7, 112 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Camion studio d'enregistrement Gennett. –Artistes/personnalités: Lizzie Miles. Luke Jordan (First and last days in Lynchburg). The Bohee Brothers. –Photographies: Lizzie Miles (1963). Blind Tom (/1891/). James and George Bohee (/1880/ et /1881/). George Bohee (1907). –Autres: Paramount Decline and Fall (part 5). BD 'Name those blues Greats!' (A. Mostrom). 78 presents the rarest 78s (Je-K). 100 years from today (A survey of afro-american music in 1891 as recorded in yhe black community press). Chromolitho-litographs of minstrel musicians before World War I. | |
cmj-rv-111-1-8 | 78 Quarterly | 8 | 1994 | Vol 1 No 8, non daté (vers 1994), 112 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Frank Stokes. –Artistes/personnalités: The Talent Scouts: H. C. Speir (1895-1972). Portrait of a Blues Singer, (Skip James). Sweet Mattie Dorsey: Been Here, but She’s Gone. –Photographies: H. C. Speir (1921). Pionner recording directots of the 1920s & '30s. Ishmon Bracey. –Autres: BD 'Can you name these blues Godheads', 'Name them these Blues Greats!' (A. Mostrom). Gennett Records: Capturing America’s Musical Grassroots. 78 presents the rarest 78s (L-N). Southern Echoes. Gennett-Champion Blues: Richmond, Indiana (1923-1934), Part 5 (label). Foolishness Rag: The Perception of Ragtime in Europe. The Earliest Boogie Woogie. American Ragtime Performers in Britain. | |
cmj-rv-111-1-9 | 78 Quarterly | 9 | 1996 | Vol 1 No 9, non daté (vers 1996), 124 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Henry Sims and Muddy Waters (1941). –Artistes/personnalités: Fred Ramsey 1915-1995. Henry ‘Son’ Sims. Clarence M. Jones (1889-1949): Almost Forgotten (But Not Quite). Take My Picture, Make it in a Frame: The Wiley Barner Story –Photographies: Henry ‘Son’ Sims (1920, 1941). Hayes McMullan. Clarence M. Jones (1916). -Autres: 78 presents the rarest 78s (O-Q). Black Music in the White City: African-Americans at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. The Paramount L Master Series. BD: A Portfolio of Fake Paramount Ads (A. Mostrom). Southern Echoes Part 2. 100 Years from Today: A Survey of African-American Music in 1892 and 1893 as Recorded in the Black Community Press. | |
cmj-rv-111-1-10 | 78 Quarterly | 10 | 1998 | Vol 1 No 10, non daté (vers 1998), 124 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Sisters Helga et Heidi von Thibold. –Artistes/personnalités: Remembering... Mr. Belfield Spriggins: First Man of Jazzology. Johnny Dodds Clarinet in Blues (1892-1940). Lonnie Johnson in Cincinnati (1947-1954). Lost Man Blues: The discovery of a 'Cloud' Under 'Wood' (Sugar Underwood). –Photographies: E. Belfield Spriggins. -Autres: 78 presents the rarest 78s (R-S). Broadway 5000 Series (label). 100 years from today: The Origins of Ragtime. | |
cmj-rv-111-1-11 | 78 Quarterly | 11 | 2000 | Vol 1 No 11, non daté (vers 2000), 128 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Photo montage, disques 'Black Patti'. –Artistes/personnalités: Bernard Klatszko (1926-1999). A Glimpse at the Golden Years of Ida Cox. Sis Quander – Duke Ellington’s First Vocalist?. -Autres: Black Patti ... and the indispensable Black Patti team: Joe Bussard, Matt Mintzell and Rolf Von Arx (label). 78 presents the rarest 78s (T-V). | |
cmj-rv-111-1-12 | 78 Quarterly | 12 | 2005 | Vol 1 No 12, non daté (2005), 116 pages. Nombreuses photographies et illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. | –En couverture: Charley Patton. –Artistes/personnalités: Ma Rainey and Her Jazz Hounds – 1917/1922/1931. Try Me One More Time – Marshall Owens Spiced with a Bit of Curry. Bayless? Bailey? – A Rose By Another Name. –Photographies: Madam Rainey's Jazz Hounds (1922). Troy Snapp & Madam Rainey's Broasway strutters (1922). -Autres: Gold in Grafton! Long lost Paramount photos, artwork, 78s surface after 70 years!. Gennett’s Mystery Label: The Superior 300 Series (label). BD: Why I'm neuronic about my record collection (R. Crumb). 78 presents the rarest 78s (W-Z). |