Inventaire Revue: Jazz Record (The)

Cote CEMJazz: cat-rv-120

Cote CEMJazz: cat-rv-120

Cote CEMJazz: cat-rv-120
Infos Revue
CEMJazzId | Titre | Genre | Pays/Editeur | ISSN | Langue | Format | Périodicité | Période d'édition | Commentaires |
120 | Jazz Record (The) | Actualité musicale et discographique. | USA | 2832-9872 | Anglais (USA). | 16cm X 24cm puis 14cm X 21cm. | Bihebdomadaire puis mensuel. | Février 1943-Juin 1943 (bihebdo.) puis juillet 1943-1947 (mensuel). |
Inventaire CEMJazz
Collection de la revue 'Jazz Record (The)', reconstituée à partir des inventaires partiels du fonds M. Pfau. --Lot 1: couverture blanche 1943-1944, parution bihebdomadaire numéros 1, 5-7 puis mensuelle numéros 10,11,15, 16, 19-25. --Lot 2: couverture couleur 1944-1947: numéros 26-35, 37-48, 50. --Lot 3: couvertures 'photo' 1947-1948, grand format numéro 51, 52, format réduit numéros 53-60. |
Numéros indexés ou inventoriés
CEMJazzId | Titre_revue | Numéro | Date | Infos_revue | Tags_revue | Contenu |
cmj-rv-120-1-1 | Jazz Record (The) | 1 | 15 février 1943 | Parution bihebdomadaire. | –En couverture: Kaiser Marshall. –Artistes/personnalités: Is the Duke deserting Jazz (DuKe Ellington)? –Lieux/événements: Where to go in New York. | |
cmj-rv-120-1-5 | Jazz Record (The) | 5 | 15 avril 1943 | Parution bihebdomadaire. | –En couverture: Edmond Hall. –Artistes/personnalités: Portrait of John Bruni(e)s. Cow-cow and the Boogie-Woogie (Cow Cow Davenport). –Lieux/événements: Harlem Speaks. Where to go in New York. | |
cmj-rv-120-1-6 | Jazz Record (The) | 6 | 1 mai 1943 | Parution bihebdomadaire (non daté). | –En couverture: Humphrey Lyttelton (dessin par Monty Sundhine). –Artistes/personnalités: Dionysios 'Sweet' Figlio. A day in the life of Jelly Roll Morton. Christie Brothers Stompers, Ken and Bill Colyer. -Photographies Two pages of Jazz history: Kid Ory's Creole Jazz Band, Mobile Strugglers, Mound City Blue Bmowers. -Autres: Keep those records in order. On climbing and trumpets. Future of Jazz does not lie with Revivalists. | |
cmj-rv-120-1-7 | Jazz Record (The) | 7 | 15 mai 1943 | Parution bihebdomadaire. | –En couverture: Tommy Ladnier. –Artistes/personnalités: Idyll of the Kings (Eddie Condon). Bunk Johnson comes back. –Lieux/événements: Where to go in New York. | |
cmj-rv-120-1-10 | Jazz Record (The) | 10 | 1er Juillet 1953. | Mensuel à partir de ce numéro. | –En couverture: Sidney DeParis, Kansas Fields, Mezz Mezzrow. –Artistes/personnalités: Mezzrow on records. Playing for Kicks (Wingy Mannone). –Lieux/événements: Harlem Speaks. Where to go in New York. | |
cmj-rv-120-1-11 | Jazz Record (The) | 11 | 1 er août 1943 | –En couverture: George 'Pop' Foster. –Artistes/personnalités: Drummer Dany (Dany Alvin). –Lieux/événements: Harlem Speaks. Where to go in New York. –Autres: Hot Dish Special. | ||
cmj-rv-120-1-15 | Jazz Record (The) | 15 | Décembre 1943 | –En couverture: Lester Young. –Artistes/personnalités: As I Knew Eddie Lang. –Lieux/événements: Harlem Speaks. –Autres: Texas heat wave. Records - Old and New. Gram-O-Phone days. | ||
cmj-rv-120-1-16 | Jazz Record (The) | 16 | Janvier 1944 | –En couverture: 'Fats' Waller. –Artistes/personnalités: Fats is gone to a Happy Land ('Fats' Waller). Fats Waller and James P. –Lieux/événements: Harlem Speaks. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Wingie, Louie and me (Jobs and Experiences of Musicians). | ||
cmj-rv-120-1-19 | Jazz Record (The) | 19 | Avril 1944 | -En couverture: Joe Marsala, 'Muggy' Spanier, Bud Freeman. –Artistes/personnalités: Jim Crow - upside down. –Lieux/événements: Harlem Speaks. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Early New-Orleans Jazz Bands. Must Jazz be Progressive. | ||
cmj-rv-120-1-21 | Jazz Record (The) | 21 | Juin 1944 | –En couverture: Joe Sullivan. –Artistes/personnalités: The blues for Jimmy (Jimmy Noone). Riverboat Jess (Jess Stacy). Original Scarsdale Jazz Band. –Lieux/événements: Harlem Speaks. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Young cats going to the dogs (future of Jazz). | ||
cmj-rv-120-1-22 | Jazz Record (The) | 22 | Juillet 1944 | –En couverture: Vic Dikenson. –Artistes/personnalités: Vic Dikenson - Trombone. The blues in his heart (Cow Cow Davenport). –Autres: Records - Old and New. Jazz - A vanishing Art? | ||
cmj-rv-120-1-23 | Jazz Record (The) | 23 | Août 1944 | –En couverture: Bud Freeman. –Artistes/personnalités: Muggsy Spanier. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Folk roots of Jazz. Missing in action (British magazines at war time). | ||
cmj-rv-120-1-24 | Jazz Record (The) | 24 | Septembre 1944 | –En couverture: Stuff Smith, Jonah Jones. –Artistes/personnalités: My first steady Job ('Dago' Lawrence Mangano). Muggsy Spanier. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Britain looks at Jazz. | ||
cmj-rv-120-1-25 | Jazz Record (The) | 25 | Octobre 1944 | –En couverture: Wingy Mannone. –Artistes/personnalités: Wingy Mannone on Records. Bud Freeman. –Autres: Records - Old and New. A Critique for Critics. The Real Golden age of jazz. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-26 | Jazz Record (The) | 26 | Novembre 1944 | Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Barney Bigard. –Lieux/événements: Condon at Carnegie. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Of Jazz and Chicago. Jazz and Semantics. Enlightment through Radio. See Here! Corporal Goodman! Doing time in the beat. | |
cmj-rv-120-2-27 | Jazz Record (The) | 27 | Décembre 1944 | –En couverture: Jess Stacy. –Artistes/personnalités: Cow Cow davenport (Mama don't 'low no music). –Lieux/événements: Home of Happy feet. New Orleans in Seattle. –Autres: Records - Old and New. More on semantics. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-28 | Jazz Record (The) | 28 | Janvier 1945 | –En couverture: Lips Page. –Artistes/personnalités: Rod Cless. –Lieux/événements: New Orleans Today. Arabian Nights Entertainment. When Jazz Hit Stanford (Lu Watters and his Dixieland Boys). –Photographies: Rod Cless. –Autres: Records - Old and New. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-29 | Jazz Record (The) | 29 | Février 1945 | –En couverture: George Wettling. –Artistes/personnalités: Baby Dodds. An English Jazz Band. –Lieux/événements: Esquire's second swing concert. Jazz in Texas. Jazz picture from India. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Musicians are independant. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-30 | Jazz Record (The) | 30 | Mars 1945 | –En couverture: Meade "Lux" Lewis. –Artistes/personnalités: Happy Caldwell. Fats Waller. –Lieux/événements: Bunk Johnson in San Francisco. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Message to a Hot Trombone. The archives of Jazz. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-31 | Jazz Record (The) | 31 | Avril 1945 | Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Brad Gowans. –Artistes/personnalités: Jelly Roll Morton (I created Jazz in 1902). Bunk Johnson. King Oliver. –Lieux/événements: Liberty Inn Drag. –Autres: Records - Old and New. | |
cmj-rv-120-2-32 | Jazz Record (The) | 32 | Mai 1945 | Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: James P. Johnson. –Artistes/personnalités: Barrelhouse Frank Melrose. Jelly Roll morton (suite). –Lieux/événements: April, 12, 1945 (Village Vanguard). –Autres: Records - Old and New. On the trumpet trail. Jazz in the schools | |
cmj-rv-120-2-33 | Jazz Record (The) | 33 | Juin 1945 | –En couverture: Jack Bland. –Artistes/personnalités: James P. Johnson. –Lieux/événements: Drummer from Chicago. A trip to Wethersfield. –Autres: Records - Old and New. The piano and the band. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-34 | Jazz Record (The) | 34 | Juillet 1945 | –En couverture: Sidney De Paris. –Artistes/personnalités: Louis Armstrong. –Lieux/événements: Report from Chile. Davenport Piano (Bix Beiderbecke, ...). Mediterranean Mailbag (Django Reinhardt,...). –Autres: Records - Old and New. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-35 | Jazz Record (The) | 35 | Août 1945 | Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Danny Alvin. –Lieux/événements: On the feather in Esquire's Bonnet. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Bless, Jazz and Metronome. Breaking in a new pair of shoes. Dixieland, twin city style (Minneapolis, St. Paul). Capitol records Jazz History. | |
cmj-rv-120-2-37 | Jazz Record (The) | 37 | –En couverture: Red Nichols –Artistes/personnalités: Jelly Roll Morton. Benny Goodman. Kid Ory. –Lieux/événements: What isn't in the Papers (Chicago: Baby Dodds, Tut Soper, ...). Ragtime renaissance in London. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Musical standards in Jazz. | |||
cmj-rv-120-2-38 | Jazz Record (The) | 38 | Novembre 1945 | –En couverture: Bunk Johnson. –Artistes/personnalités: 'Pigmeat' Alamo Markham. –Lieux/événements: New Orleans Trombone. James P. Johnson at Town Hall. –Photographies: . –Autres: Records - Old and New. They seek a city. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-39 | Jazz Record (The) | 39 | Décembre 1945 | Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Joe Marsale, Joe Bushkin. –Artistes/personnalités: Story of the Dixieland Band (Crosby Band part I). Louis Armstrong. –Lieux/événements: Condon at Town Hall. Philly Jazz festival. –Autres: Records - Old and New. | |
cmj-rv-120-2-40 | Jazz Record (The) | 40 | Janvier 1946 | –En couverture: Sidney Bechet. –Artistes/personnalités: Story of the Dixieland Band (Crosby Band part II). George Lewis. –Lieux/événements: Blue Note at Town Hall. –Autres: Records - Old and New. From the Blues to Swing. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-41 | Jazz Record (The) | 41 | Février 1946 | –En couverture: 'Wild Bill' Davison. –Artistes/personnalités: St Louis Jazzman (Dewey Jackson). Al Morgan Riverboat Bass –Lieux/événements: Jazz under the Germans (Holland). Montreal jazz Concert. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Preserve genuine early ragtime. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-42 | Jazz Record (The) | 42 | Mars 1946 | –En couverture: Fate Marable. –Artistes/personnalités: Fate Marable. Kid Ory (part I). William 'Big Bill' Broonzy. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Music is a business. Jelly Roll Morton and the Library of Congress (discography). | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-43 | Jazz Record (The) | 43 | Avril 1943 | –En couverture: Gene Krupa. –Artistes/personnalités: Joe Sullivan. Henry Goodwin. Kid Ory (part ii). –Lieux/événements: Post-War Mardi Gras (New Orleans). –Autres: Records - Old and New. Mardi Gras, Chic la Pai'. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-44 | Jazz Record (The) | 44 | Mai 1946 | Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Baby Dodds. –Artistes/personnalités: Davidson C. Nelson. Warren 'Baby' Dodds. –Lieux/événements: Jazz in Philadelphia. –Autres: Records - Old and New. | |
cmj-rv-120-2-45 | Jazz Record (The) | 45 | Juin 1946 | –En couverture: Bob Haggart. –Artistes/personnalités: 'Big eye' Louis Nelson. Yerba Buena Band. –Lieux/événements: Condon in New Orleans. –Autres: Records - Old and New. The facts of Life. Frank Melrose discography. They all had it. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-46 | Jazz Record (The) | 46 | Juillet 1946 | –En couverture: Frankie Newton. –Artistes/personnalités: Lester Young. –Lieux/événements: White Jazz in Saint Louis.. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Collector's corner. Where do we go from here? | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-47 | Jazz Record (The) | 47 | Août 1946 | –En couverture: Ray Bauduc. –Artistes/personnalités: Wild Bill Davison. –Lieux/événements: The british scene. Village Tavern League. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Collector's corner. Strike three - you're Out. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-48 | Jazz Record (The) | 48 | Septembre 1946 | –En couverture: Big Sid Catlett. –Artistes/personnalités: Drums on the Mississippi. Georg Brunis. –Lieux/événements: Chicago notes. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Records to burn. Collector's corner. | ||
cmj-rv-120-2-50 | Jazz Record (The) | 50 | Novembre 1946 | –En couverture: Albert Nicholas. –Artistes/personnalités: The Nicksieland Band. New Orleans Trumpeters. The Austin High Band. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Jazz Pictures. Collector's corner. Ragtime Revival. | ||
cmj-rv-120-3-51 | Jazz Record (The) | 51 | Janvier 1947 | Grand format 15,5 cm X 23,5 cm. Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Wingy Mannone (et musiciens). –Artistes/personnalités: Joe Bushkin. Sidney Bechet. Art Hodes Band. Bud Scott - Rhythm man. –Lieux/événements: Kid Ory in San Francisco. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Cats and 'Cats'. Collector's corner. | |
cmj-rv-120-3-52 | Jazz Record (The) | 52 | Février 1947 | Grand format 15,5 cm X 23,5 cm. Fourth Anniversary Number. | Tampon 'Sample Copy'. | –En couverture: Louis Armstrong. –Artistes/personnalités: When Armstrong came to New-York. George Lugg. –Lieux/événements: Mound Street Blues. Jazz in Hollywood. –Photographies: 2 eme de couverture: Bud Scott, Zutty Singleton, Charlie Beal, Red Callender, Louis Armstrong, Kid Ory and Barney Bigard (du film 'New Orleans'). –Autres: Records - Old and New. February 43... february 47. Collector's corner. The Bandbox. A few words about dancing. Sad Sax (part I). |
cmj-rv-120-3-53 | Jazz Record (The) | 53 | Mars 1947 | À partir de ce numéro format réduit 14 cm X 20,5 cm. Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Pee Wee Russell. –Artistes/personnalités: Rod Cless. Louis Armstrong. Hoagy Carmichael. Minor 'Ram' Hall. Pops Foster. –Lieux/événements: Jazz in Hollywood. –Photographies: Cahier central: Max Kaminsky, Art Rodes, Billie Holiday, Pops Foster. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Breakin' up the Blues. Rebop is not Jazz. The state of Jazz or the Empty Oyster Shell. The future of Jazz. Sad Sax (part II). Jazz Calvacade (book review). Collector's corner. | |
cmj-rv-120-3-54 | Jazz Record (The) | 54 | Avril 1947 | –En couverture: Montana Taylor. –Artistes/personnalités: Montana Taylor. (Rag alley Stor. –Lieux/événements: Jazz in Hollywood. San Francisco Jazz front. –Photographies: Cahier central, Tommy Ladnier, Bobby hackett, Eddie Condon, Rudi Blesh (and musicians). –Autres: Recorded Hot Jazz on the air. Records - Old and New. I like anything that's good. Collector's corner. Jazzorama. Something new in Jazz Records. Can the Jazzman and the artist clasp hands. High School Jazz. | ||
cmj-rv-120-3-55 | Jazz Record (The) | 55 | Mai 1947 | –En couverture: The Original Dixieland Jazz Band. –Artistes/personnalités: The Original Dixieland Jazz Band. The Frisco Jazz Band. Clifford 'Snags' Jones. –Lieux/événements: Jazz in Hollywood. Stoppin' at the Southern Cross (Australia). –Photographies: Cahier central: Bunk Johnson's New Orleans Band, Lil Armstrong, Jess Stacy, Mezz Mezzrow and Kansas Fields. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Oh! Mister Officer. As I see it (Charles Delaunay) Jazzorama. Horn of plenty (book review). Dead Cat Blues. High School Jazz. Blues Breakdown. Record Dance Guide. Collector's corner. | ||
cmj-rv-120-3-56 | Jazz Record (The) | 56 | Juin 1947 | Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Sidney Bechet et Bob Wilber. –Artistes/personnalités: Sidney Bechet, Bob Wilber. Cecil Scott. Jelly Roll Morton –Lieux/événements: Jazz in Hollywood. –Photographies: Cahier central: Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton. Albert Nicholas, Georg Brunis, Bill Davison, Louis Armstrong, Art Hodes, Danny Parker. Red Nichols. –Autres: Chicago Breakdown. An open Letter to Benny Goodman. Jazzorama. Records - Old and New. Jazz for tomorrow. Really the blues (Milton 'Mezz' Mezzrow). Collector's corner. | |
cmj-rv-120-3-57 | Jazz Record (The) | 57 | Août 1947 | –En couverture: Jack Teagarden. –Artistes/personnalités: The Yerba Buena Band. Brownie McGhee. Lonnie Johnson. –Lieux/événements: Jazz in Hollywood. –Photographies: Cahier central: Lester Young. Joe Sullivan. Kaiser Marshall. Ray Bauduc. –Autres: Let's Air the Joint out. Really the blues (Milton 'Mezz' Mezzrow). Collector's corner. Jazzorama Records - Old and New. | ||
cmj-rv-120-3-58 | Jazz Record (The) | 58 | Septembre 1947 | –En couverture: Bessie Smith. –Artistes/personnalités: Bessie Smith. Champion Jack Bupree. –Lieux/événements: Jazz in Hollywood. –Photographies: Cahier central: fat Waller - Hugues Panassié.Edmund Hall. Danny Alvin. Joe Marsala, 'Muggsy' Spanier, Bud Freeman. –Autres: Really the blues (Milton 'Mezz' Mezzrow). Jazzorama. Collector's corner. With the Jazz Clubs. Bessie Smith on Records (discography). | ||
cmj-rv-120-3-59 | Jazz Record (The) | 59 | Octobre 1947 | –En couverture: Kid Ory. –Artistes/personnalités: Wingy Manone. –Lieux/événements: Jazz in Hollywood. Crescent City Comeback. –Photographies: 2 eme de couverture: Meade Lux Lewis. Cahier central: George Wettling.Brad Gowans. Sandy Williams.Stuff Smith and Jonah JOnes –Autres: Records - Old and New. The New Approach 'Classics in Jazz'. Frog-I-More Rag. Collector's corner. The boys from Minton's. Jazzorama. | ||
cmj-rv-120-3-60 | Jazz Record (The) | 60 | Novembre 1947 | Couverture déchirée sur la reliure. | –En couverture: Scott Joplin. –Artistes/personnalités: Scott Joplin. The Dixie Dandies. Mary Lou Williams. –Lieux/événements: News from Milwaukee. Jazz in Hollywood. –Photographies: 2 eme de couverture: Georg Brunis. 3 eme de couverture: John Bland. 4 eme de couverture: Baby Dodds. –Autres: Records - Old and New. Collector's corner. Jazzorama. Jim Europe's discography. |